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Welcome at the log-in page for registered BASF suppliers!

Suppliers who want work new with BASF can find information about BASF's purchasing on the following website:

In the Download-Center for purchasing-relevant documents, you will find purchasing conditions, location requlations and also the code of conduct for suppliers are important documents that form the basis for your business relationship with BASF's purchasing. Here you can filter for the corresponding documents.

Independent, you are welcome to use the contact form here to get in touch with us.

Service Procurement Online (SP-Online) is a web based tool to handle external services. All important process steps required from the RfQ to the billing will be done using service specifications (flat and hierarchical structured). The usage of SP-Online on the BASF SAP platform guarantees the secure handling of confidential documents as well as the requirements regarding BASF security guidelines.

Suppliers have the possibility to invoice their work in the system. The data exchange between supplier and BASF is based on a standardized and secure interface. The entire process is workflow and mail supported.

After signing in please click on "SP-Online" in the top navigation to access the respective application! Additionally it is possible to access the applications via the quick access area on the startpage after login.

Language / Sprache

Die Standard-Sprache für SP-Online ist Deutsch. Oben rechts können Sie mit Klick auf die Weltkugel zur deutschen Sprache wechseln.

The standard language for SP-Online is German. You can change the language by selecting the globe on the upper right corner.